Office of the Associate Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement) leads university-wide strategy for global engagement and initiatives. As a central office under the purview of the Vice-Chancellor Office, we bring the global community to Universiti Malaya to engage with students and staff in research, education, and community work. With a vision of a global university impacting the world, we lead the institution in regional and international initiatives. To promote and coordinate all international initiatives across campus, four dedicated offices take an active role in sustaining university-wide internationalization. They are
'Contact Us' Details :
Associate Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement) Office
Tel: +603-7967 7930/7084
Email :
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday: 8.30 am - 1.00 pm , 2.00 pm - 5.30 pm
Friday: 8.30 am - 12.15 pm, 2.45 pm - 5.30 pm
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays
International Relations Centre
Tel: +603-7967 3423
Fax: +603-7967 7096
Email :
Marketing and Recruitment Division (MRD)
Tel: +603-7967 7946 / 3592
Global Enrichment & Mobility (GEM) Division
Tel: +603-7967 7712
Kong Zi Institute (KZIUM)
Tel: +603-7967 7828/7347/7344
International Relations Centre (IRC) is UM’s Gateway to Global Engagement and Opportunities through:
1. Inter-institutional agreements (MoU/MoA)
2. International engagements
3. Global and regional networking
Global Enrichment and Mobility (GEM) Division is the office that manages student's mobility & enrichment programmes for Universiti Malaya (UM). Mobility programmes offered the inbound & outbound (long-term & short-term), and research/clinical attachment.
GEM Division offers various range of activities to support the internationalization at home agenda which includes the UM Week of Welcoming (WOW), UM International Cultural & Food Festival (UMICAFF), Homestay Programmes, Discovery Tour Programmes, and many more.
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The focus of Marketing and Recruitment Division (MRD) is to promote academic programs offered at Universiti Malaya. MRD is also responsible to heighten the visibility of the university globally
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Kong Zi Institute is a non-profit education provider network devoted to fulfilling the needs of people worldwide who wish to learn the Chinese language. Kong Zi Institute University Malaya (KZIUM) was established in July 2009 where Universiti Malaya (UM) and Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) have been selected as the partner universities for Malaysia and China, respectively. The primary role of KZIUM is to teach the Mandarin language to non-native speakers and promote Chinese culture through social-based activities such as celebrating various Chinese festivals, martial art classes, Chinese calligraphy, Chinese cuisine and practice of traditional Chinese medicine. Besides promoting the Chinese language and culture, KZIUM also provides the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) for Malaysian citizens.
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